Paying your rent:
Here are some ways to pay your rent.
Direct deposit into our Arvest checking account.
This is safe and we are notified within seconds of a deposit.
Payments are never lost in the mail. Deposit to the account of
James and Barbara Weems.
Account # 0067470592
The closest Arvest is 81st & 169
10615 E. 81st. Street. 74133
Zelle or a similar bank to bank payment method may be the most secure.
Using Bill-Pay
If your bank offers BillPay, be sure to set the
pay time for 7 days early as Bill-Pay can not
guarantee to meet the lease due date.
If mailing, mail your check several days prior to the lease due date to:
Jim Weems
8425 S. Phoenix Pl.
Tulsa OK 74132
The first thing you’ll need to do is to contact the three main utilities to have them put in your name. Your new address is 6619 S 107th E. Ave. Tulsa OK 74133
City of Tulsa Utilities Services
M-F: 7:30 a.m. - 6 p.m.,
Trash pick-up day is Thursday
(918) 596-9511
PSO - electric Customer Service 1-888-216-3523
ONG - gas M-F 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
Toll-free 1-800-664-5463
Lease information:
David Fletcher
Call Jim or Barb Weems at
918 551-6180. This number has the best voice mail system.
You can also TEXT us at
918 500-6709
Email me at
Tulsa, Oklahoma • 918-551-6180
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